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Heart Surgeries for Older Patients

High-Risk Cardiac Surgery Bhopal | Transplant Surgeon In Bhopal

Elderly patients, compared with patients of a younger age group, present for surgery with a greater burden of risk factors and reduced functional levels. We bring together all of the healthcare professionals needed to care for elderly patients, who often have other medical conditions that need to be addressed. Because we care and treat so many different types of cardiovascular diseases and disorders, you can see all of the members of their team in one convenient location. Moreover, our team members communicate regularly with each other to ensure everyone is up-to-date on your care.

Apart from a committed Cardiac surgery team, Our Team for Elderly patients include Neurologists, Pulmonologists, Diabetologist, Nephrologist, Clinical Pharmacologist, Physiotherapists and Dieticians. Every member take visits and discuss with the Team and the Patients relatives on regular basis. We have several proven protocols for elderly patients which ensures comprehensive care is delivered, every possible risk are addressed early.