Are Carbohydrates bad for heart?

Heart disease is the main cause of death worldwide, and its frequency has increased sharply in India in recent decades. It has also been observed to afflict Indians of a younger age range. Healthy eating habits and limiting cholesterol consumption in the diet are thought to be major factors in preventing heart disease. Consequently, there has been a lot of debate about cholesterol intake in the diet and the use of cholesterol-lowering medications (statins) to avoid heart disease. As a result, many people throw caution to the wind and began eating all kinds of fried foods, as well as discontinuing statin prescriptions. It is anticipated that quitting therapy without consulting a physician will result in an additional 2000 heart attacks and strokes in the United Kingdom alone. This essay is intended to put an end to the debate.

Saturated fats were dubbed “bad fats” because they were believed to be unhealthy for the heart. However, new research has raised the debate about whether they’re actually that harmful or not. According to research, eating more fat and less refined sweets and carbohydrates (such as sugar, jaggery, fruit juices, maida, and white rice) may actually protect us. In the amounts taken by most people, saturated fats are not dangerous. Studies reveal that fat doesn’t hurt as much as it is assumed to, contrary to the advice of the AHA and other advisory groups

Clearing The Myths And Facts

Are Carbohydrates bad for heart? Heart disease is the main cause of death worldwide, and its frequency has increased sharply in India in recent decades.

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